自然の音【自然の癒し映像音】渓谷の紅葉・名もなき名所The famous spot where does not have colored leaves, the name of valley 1時間

午後終盤に近い時間帯。 岸壁から力強く枝を横に伸ばし鮮やかな紅葉を見せてくれました👍

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The time when the end game is near in the afternoon. The molding born to 👍 nature which stretches out a branch from the quay aside powerfully, and was able to show bright colored leaves is right アートティック ❕
cinnabar red, yellow, green contest 😉
Relaxation is spiritual and is most suitable for healing, sleep, healing, stress reduction, reading, work.
自然の音【自然の癒し映像音】谷川のせせらぎ 睡眠用ソフト 3時間 It is for the murmuring sleep of Mountain stream
自然の音【自然の癒し映像音】大海原のきらめき・神秘的・ヒーリング・スピリチュアルMysterious healing is spiritual a glitter of the ocean 1時間半


