自然の音【自然の癒し映像音】谷川のせせらぎ・神秘・スピリチュアル The murmuring, a mystery of Tanikawa is spiritual

本線から分け入った、谷間のせせらぎです。心地の良い音域でリラクゼーションや睡眠用に最適です。 鳥たちのさえずりも心地よいですね😃 




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It is the murmuring of the valley which pushed its way from the main line. It is most suitable for relaxation and sleep by the good range of the feeling. The song of birds is comfortable, and, at this shin 😃

place without being seen in whom, a new life sprouts on the fallen tree. In 😉

relaxation, healing, forest bathing, sleep, healing that were the space that the sunshine filtering through foliage which came in lighted up moss and the plant of the fallen tree, and was spiritual, stress reduction, reading, yoga


自然の音【自然の癒し映像音】自生の杉とせせらぎ・癒し、睡眠、自然音、リラクゼーション、作業、勉強 1時間 The wild cedar and murmuring Japanese river


自然の音【自然の癒し映像音】自生の杉とせせらぎ・癒し、睡眠、自然音、リラクゼーション、作業、勉強 1時間 The wild cedar and murmuring Japanese river

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEVmk... #Relaxation#Healing#Sleep
